Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Emerald Buglets..<3

FTW? LMAO...i had a jacket AND pants on...or so my inventory said...LIAR!

Hawte! 8D

Friday, November 6, 2009

Guilty Pleasure's Are Dangerous

I need to think of a story to put here. I'm quite pleased with the pics so I posted them first. More to come soon..I hope...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lunch Break at Zombiefest

Woohoo! Zombiefest! Totally my kind of jam. This was one of the best events I've ever been to, and best of all it's for a great cause!

Making Friends at Zombiefest

Friday, August 21, 2009

We ate her shoes

We came upon this tasty morsel of a young lady, while trolling around some random back alley. I have no idea why she was there all by her lonesome. She was really nice, but her blood type gives us indigestion, so we ate her shoes instead.

Thanks so much Becca for playing with us! You rock!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank You!

I'd like to thank everyone that came out to support the opening of my lil shop TazzMania! I want to thank everyone who blogged and everyone who came by to check it out! Making stuff is a new, fun, and exciting hobby and learning curve for me. I don't expect to become some crazy designer or anything, I don't have the skill, or time for that. But, like I said it's fun and I'm learning new things all the time. I'm moving the store to a new location cuz I was running low on prim space, I can't wait to set up and get things going again. I look forward to getting better and offering lot's of free/low priced items for us po folk out there xD.

P.S. To the haters.....
I'm not trying to be "original" or special in any way, shape or form. I'm just less, no more. You don't like my stuff? Good for you, I'll ban you from my plot, so you don't have to endure the torture that are my creations. Why don't you use your stolen photoshop and make something better? Or, read a book perhaps? Kthxbai. <3

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bambaclats, Sketelbams and FassyHoles..Take a Number

Before I even start..I want to apologize to Adriane and Griffy. They're probably the ONLY one's who read this blog and I never or barely swear around them. I just find it inappropriate since they're both so classy and have manners, they're a rare breed. Sorry guys for the potty mouth that you are about to read.

A rant that is long overdue from a pissed off, tired of B.S. Taz. My very first list! Wewt! Of things that make me wish I had a gun, but glad I don't. Or rather, make me wish I was some crazy hacker.....

1. DON'T ASK ME FOR MONEY! RL or SL. Fuck off and get a job you fucking bum. I know you go through your whole friends list asking everyone for some money. Have you no damn shame? No pride? Don't you care that people are sick and tired of you begging when we're in a depression and things are as tight as they are? I played SL for almost 2 years before I started using any real money and I NEVER EVER asked anyone for not even 1L. Unless you're a close friend or SL family, forget it the answer is and always will be N.O. spells NO.

2. DON'T BE A FUCKING BITCH. Ya I know you have mood swings, you me and the next joe has them, sorry you're not special. I really don't care if you're in a bad mood just cause...hate to break it to ya..but nobody does. One minute you're sweet as pie and the next you're scorned or whatever and you wanna get snarky and nasty. How about this? Let me give you a nice bitch slap to get you out of your funk. Hey whatever works right? Why so serious? Cuz I didn't follow your "rules" relax it's a game bizatch. See me? With my tiny violin? Ode to you. Since when did it start being cool to be a bitch or an asshole? What's so bad about your RL that you have to be such a jerk off in SL? Boo fucking hoo. And if that's the case, then maybe you shouldn't be in SL for society's sake. Since when did it start being cool to be rude and nasty to others, strangers or not? And how come I never heard about this trend?

3. I KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF YOU NARCISSISTIC ENABLER BUT DON'T BE SO CONCEITED. Why do you like to write in your profile and in chat about how cool you think you are, how hot you look and that you're totally taken. So sorry to burst your bubble, but YOU'RE NOT. You're not better than anyone else and most people will agree with me. Unless you've saved a life, or went through some crazy traumatic experience only to survive and learn from it, then you need to EARN some respect.
4. MAMA SAYS "IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL". DON'T talk to me about my AV, if I want your damn opinion then I'll ask for it kay? Unless we're close..I don't want to hear what you have to say..really. There might be something about you that makes me want to yack, my choice is to keep it to myself. SL is supposed to be fun, I assume that most people make their AVS a reflection of what they like and of their RL character/aspects. Ain't nothing wrong with that. That's some pretty personal stuff, so why diss them or me because you don't agree? Do you work for Chanel, is your name Karl Lagerfeld? No? Oh excuse my ignorance, let me offer you a nice hot cup of STFU. There there all better now? And if we ARE close...I don't mind the odd joke, or your negative feedback put in an endearing way, I'm not that uptight. Just do it tactfully, like I would for you, if I said anything at all.
That's about it for now. I'd like to think of myself as a pretty easy going person so my list is not very long...but damn there are a lot of idiots out there, I can only handle so many. There's a silver lining to this cloud and that's the wonderful people that I've come across that don't even come close to those that are in this list. Thank you to them for being who you make this dismal RL and SL a better place.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Carnival of Doom Sadly I Bid You Adieu

I was so sad to learn that most of the rezzable sims are clsoing and will be gone from SL for good. Especially the Carnival of Doom. I loved that place. Despite the array of "odd" characters that I came across there, I was so in love with it's dark beauty. I have a fetish for dark carnival/scary So Carnival of Doom was like a second home to me. There really is no other sim like it and don't think there ever will be. I managed to snap a few pics of the side show and hope to get some more before it's gone.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I've been trying to teach myself Gimp for ages now, but it's only in the past month or so that I've really made some progress. Here's the result of some crazy beginner tinkering

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ode To Michael

I just wanted to do a quick post regarding the untimely death of the master himself, Mr. Michael Jackson.

Yesterday I freaked when I saw that MJ had passed away on the local news. My heart sank and I got shivers, I just couldn't believe it. I am a HUGE fan of him and have loved his music since I was a small child. My mom used to play all of his stuff when I was little and I LOVED every single song that he did, there's not one that I didn't like. I remember when Thriller came out and I wanted to watch it so bad but when I finally saw bits of it, I had nightmares cuz it was just that good. Then in the 90's when he released the song "Black or White" I was smitten yet again, I even entered a dance/lip sync competition with that song and came in third place! I was like 10 or 11 at the time.

Growing up as a teen and in my early twenties I stared listening to a lot of the Jackson 5 songs, and was constantly blown away by his voice even as a child! A DJ friend of mine did a crazy remix of the song "One More Chance" with the song "Money Power Respect" and it was sick! I'll never forget it. It's funny cuz when it came to Pop music in the 80's most were either Madonna or Michael...I was 100% Michael all the way and will be to the end.

Throughout all the negative controversy that he had to endure, I always prayed deep in my heart that all those allegations were never true. The media is a great thing but in many cases it's a cruel monster that destroys the lives of many people to make a quick buck and Michael Jackson was definitely one of it's worst victims.

I just want to say that I love Michael and his music, he made me very happy, his voice was that of an angel and his dancing puts the devil to shame. I hope he's in a better place now and that's he's in true peace. He's going to live forever in the hearts of his fans and through his music and second to none videos. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us and you literally truly were one of a kind.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Heheh note to self here....I sowwy I've been neglecting my lil ol blog but I pwomise i'm going to come up with something good! I'm just waiting for a win in the chair at Canimal! It's the only prize in a chair that has slipped through my greedy fingers and I will NOT stop stalking it until I get it! Stay tuned ja?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm tryin real hard to learn the Gimp just for fun. I has a big boner for fashion and I love putting together outfits and taking pics! I mean Taz is *MY* doll and we like to play dress up. XD

Ambushed! (Submission for the Katat0nik Animal Crackers Contest)

I was the luckiest girl in SL the day I found out I was one of the winners in the competition I entered! This is the photo I submitted. Huge gigantore thanks to Kat and Adaire for choosing my photo!!! I now have an awesome Katat0nik collectors item! Woot! Plus the whole animal crackers collection. Say Wha?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Bebeh!! Taken on April 24 2009 13 Months Old

I'm so proud of him!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Calling all SpookS! O.O

Aww mah poor lil Bro he was scared! We we're trying to call Elvis but we got George Burns instead! :/ I held his hand for comfort but truthfully I was just as scared as he was!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Workin a 9 to 5 sux

Just another day at the office >:p. This guy really had an attitude so I had to show him how things are done around here. Too bad we were right outside the emerge when everyone just so happened to be on break.

Resting after a hard day's work....sheesh I was so busy, chopping..I mean cleaning that I forgot to eat my lunch!

Friday, April 17, 2009

We have lot's of sunblock on

Us poor Vamps gotta make some money somehow....see we spent our hundres of years of savings on clothes as we went now we gotta work to feed our ravenous passion for fashion...the blood part is easy, we got that covered but blood ain't gonna pay for the boots i've had my eye on. XD

Vamp Kin

Just a couple of sibling vamps liven it up on the playground at night. My brother made a wise crack hence my snarl, but hey it's his job to be a smart ass right? <3

Friday, April 3, 2009

We Lurve Shuze xD

My little brother and I share a passion for footware. Isn't it so obvious?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I don't know which lil SL buglet did this. But how could I resist? I never bothered to tell her, was too busy stalking a lucky board. LoL

Sunday, March 22, 2009

McShits in SL?

Griffy's rendition of the event is here .

Topaz Tomsen: ok i want a happy meal
[19:45] Griffin Mornington: What kind sir?
[19:46] Griffin Mornington: We have chicken burgers,hamburger, chicken nuggets
[19:46] Topaz Tomsen: what?
[19:46] Topaz Tomsen: no fetus burgers?
[19:46] Topaz Tomsen: lol
[19:46] Griffin Mornington: with or with out juice
[19:46] Topaz Tomsen: wish extra hormones please
[19:46] Topaz Tomsen: *with
[19:46] Griffin Mornington: With your milk?
[19:47] Topaz Tomsen: no diet coke
[19:47] Topaz Tomsen: lol
[19:47] Griffin Mornington: Ah right up sir
[19:47] Griffin Mornington: What do you want for your happy meal toy?
[19:47] Topaz Tomsen: i want the leper finger
[19:47] Griffin Mornington: Finding Nemo has been popular with the kids
[19:48] Topaz Tomsen: lol
[19:48] Griffin Mornington: Sorry Ran out of the last batch of leper fingers yesterday
[19:48] Topaz Tomsen frowns
[19:48] Griffin Mornington: Just take a side salad and move it >.>
[19:48] Topaz Tomsen: ok ok i'll take the mummified hello kitty carcass then
[19:49] Topaz Tomsen: lol
[19:49] Topaz Tomsen: umm, you should not be talking to a customer like that
[19:49] Topaz Tomsen: where's your manager
[19:49] Griffin Mornington: Gesh you talk like there no one else in line! For gods sake!
[19:49] Topaz Tomsen: lmao
[19:49] Topaz Tomsen: they can wait
[19:50] Topaz Tomsen: my money's just a green as the next mans
[19:50] Griffin Mornington: Move or lose Hun
[19:50] Sileny Noel is Online
[19:50] Topaz Tomsen: hot damn
[19:50] Topaz Tomsen: fine
[19:50] Topaz Tomsen hands you the total with an extra penny
[19:50] Topaz Tomsen: keep the change kid
[19:51] Griffin Mornington trows beanie babys at the clown for making him count the pennies[19:51] Topaz Tomsen: lmao
[19:51] Topaz Tomsen: i'm gonna check out upstairs hun
[19:51] Griffin Mornington: Pfftttt alright
[19:51] Topaz Tomsen: lol
[19:51] Griffin Mornington: My shift is over anyways
[19:52] Topaz Tomsen: lol

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Ma lil cutie patootie! We met when I called his letter for a chair at Wretched Dollies. He hung around and we killed time chatting. I must say I was impressed by him. Well spoken with a wisdom beyond his years. After hours......:O I told him I was ready to give up on the chair for the night. I was drooling for the dress pictured here, which seemed quite elusive. Griff urged me to hang and be a fighter, how could I resist with such great company! Well this lucky charm of a young man was right and soon enough we BOTH got that hawte dress! He got it LITERALLY right after I got it! Can you say...WOOOOOOOOOT! Anyhoo I deemed it appropriate to celebrate by donning our new prizes and taking a silly pic. He pulled out this awesome noogie pose and I was like....damn how perfect is this?? I insisted being the Noogier and he the Noogie-ey..LOL. Anyhoo, this is how the pic turned out, I was a bit disappointed with the lighting but not discouraged since I plan on taking more great pics with him. Way to go for US. :) Griffy took a pic too and posted is on his blog. His is way better than mine. I look forward to more stalking, pic taking and much more with my Griffy poo.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

ZOMG South Park Chucks!

I had just had to blog these babies! I got them from the recent sale that Line was might even still be on so RUN....

For a mere 85L I just couldn't do wrong considering I'm a south park nerd that has the whole collection on DVD..yes that's right EVERY SINGLE SOUTH PARK DVD that EVER came out is in my library. XD So RESPECT MY AUTHORITAW.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

4Eva Gutta Hunt Gift 1

4 Eva Gutta Random Hunt Gift

4 Eva Gutta, don't be fooled by the name, this store is fantabulous! I found it a while back and kinda forgot about it. Then lo and behold I discovered that the owner had gotten a subscribo-matic! I was there to hit that baby, faster than flies to fresh poop.

Soon after that I was quite thrilled to get a notice that she had put up a midnight mania offering and adorable shirt! You can bet your cute pixel buns that I was there calling it out in the Lucky Chair Stalker IM to get that thing locked down!

Naturally, with the prize being as sweet as it was, it was blogged by all the hawtest freebie blogs. Not sure if that motivated her, BUUUUUTTTT this lead to her providing us lucky girls a kick ass gift for the latest grid wide hunt!

It's this loverly silver tube mini with a belt! ZOMG. It honestly was the first one I was chomping at the bit to open when I finished the hunt. Sorry I'm not doing a better job of showing the actual dress, I'm just farting around with graphics and SL photography.


Wow, I'm excited to announce that this post is my first rant!!! Not bad since this is the third post overall. You know the saying.."third time's a charm". I can assure that there will be many, many more...hey, that's what blogs are for. Well, according to my husband anyway. He said that blogs were pretty much started by techies, to rant/rave, and share techie They'd rant about their jobs, bosses, etc..etc..we all love that kinda of stuff..thus blogging has spread to the masses.

On to the good stuff...
I recently discovered a blog (SL blog of course) that dedicates itself to making fun of people's AVs. Now this may just be me, but I think that's pretty God damned horrible. With the exception of the odd time when someone actually WANTS that kind of attention. I thought SL was supposed to be a place where you can do almost anything you want...especially "LOOK" the way you want. I don't know, it's just the way they go about it I guess. For example...sometimes you can't get your hair to fit you just when you scroll out or in you get a lil bald spot..BIG F-IN DEAL. Or when someones shoes don't fit spot on...WHO CARES! That's the kind of teasing that urks me....if you don't like it..have some damn class, chuckle to yourself and maybe your buddy in IM, then MOVE ON..geez.

They also make fun of AVS with disproportionate ummm "assets"?? LOL. Let me tell ya a lil something about a so called "perfect" staple of beauty. Studies have shown that if a real human woman had the measurements that Barbie has..she would not be able to walk....because of being so top heavy..etc. Actually her measurements are almost humanly impossible. They have a whole section making fun of Avs with big asses...I for one am a huge fan of the bootylicious. So there you is in the eye of the beholder.

The sad thing is that I believe this blog is very popular :/ Like I said earlier..maybe it's just me, lacking a sense of humour. it them equally lacking in sensitivity and decorum. Beware, I've seen them use an AVs name in a post as well...obviously without their permission. Are they allowed to do that???? FTW????

Mmmmm I love me some bootay

Think I'm going to go shopping at Armidi now..gee I hope they have plus sizes

Aren't I prettieeeeeee? Love me!!!!!! Come give me a kish. MMMMMuuuuuaaahhh

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Server Space

So I've been on SL since September 2006 :O I know I know I'm an addict. I finally managed to get myself my lil slice of LL server space. I got it in the summer of 2008 and have been there ever since.....4096 BABY! LOL. It's a corner plot on an OS sim, yeah the tier fees are a little steep, and prim count a lil low, but I love it!! It's almost always empty, and it's placed as a "checker" style sim. Meaning that there are no other sims next to it. I chose to go with Anshe Chung's Dreamland, her land fees are comparable to many MANY other places that I've checked out. Plus the staff service is quite decent. Been with them for half a year and I've not too much to complain about! I know that lot's of people have beef with ACS but not me.

After shopping around for many homes, I finally found one that fit into my cirteria. It's a Damani prefab, I think it's 80 something prims and it's HUGE!! I just love the textures he uses, so unique, when you see his work you know it's a Damani creation. Mind you I had my heart set on a more modern style home, but I just fell in love with the size of this one considering the prim use was so low, I just had to get it. I love the fact that it has 4 seperate rooms on the main floor, and then a huge loft style opened second floor. I even gave my best friend her own room!!!! Price was decent too, it was 550L at the time I got it. Half the price of the others that I had my eye on. Anyhoo here's a pic of my plot...YES I's still a work in progress as far as furnishing and landscaping go...but nobody sees it so I'm really in no rush.

This is the

This be the back!

Stones Throw

Hai! Welcome to my first post! This blog will outline the second life and times of my lil pixel doll named Topaz. Not really expecting to get many readers if any at all, I'm just doing this for fun. If you do come across it however I hope you enjoy!