Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank You!

I'd like to thank everyone that came out to support the opening of my lil shop TazzMania! I want to thank everyone who blogged and everyone who came by to check it out! Making stuff is a new, fun, and exciting hobby and learning curve for me. I don't expect to become some crazy designer or anything, I don't have the skill, or time for that. But, like I said it's fun and I'm learning new things all the time. I'm moving the store to a new location cuz I was running low on prim space, I can't wait to set up and get things going again. I look forward to getting better and offering lot's of free/low priced items for us po folk out there xD.

P.S. To the haters.....
I'm not trying to be "original" or special in any way, shape or form. I'm just less, no more. You don't like my stuff? Good for you, I'll ban you from my plot, so you don't have to endure the torture that are my creations. Why don't you use your stolen photoshop and make something better? Or, read a book perhaps? Kthxbai. <3

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bambaclats, Sketelbams and FassyHoles..Take a Number

Before I even start..I want to apologize to Adriane and Griffy. They're probably the ONLY one's who read this blog and I never or barely swear around them. I just find it inappropriate since they're both so classy and have manners, they're a rare breed. Sorry guys for the potty mouth that you are about to read.

A rant that is long overdue from a pissed off, tired of B.S. Taz. My very first list! Wewt! Of things that make me wish I had a gun, but glad I don't. Or rather, make me wish I was some crazy hacker.....

1. DON'T ASK ME FOR MONEY! RL or SL. Fuck off and get a job you fucking bum. I know you go through your whole friends list asking everyone for some money. Have you no damn shame? No pride? Don't you care that people are sick and tired of you begging when we're in a depression and things are as tight as they are? I played SL for almost 2 years before I started using any real money and I NEVER EVER asked anyone for not even 1L. Unless you're a close friend or SL family, forget it the answer is and always will be N.O. spells NO.

2. DON'T BE A FUCKING BITCH. Ya I know you have mood swings, you me and the next joe has them, sorry you're not special. I really don't care if you're in a bad mood just cause...hate to break it to ya..but nobody does. One minute you're sweet as pie and the next you're scorned or whatever and you wanna get snarky and nasty. How about this? Let me give you a nice bitch slap to get you out of your funk. Hey whatever works right? Why so serious? Cuz I didn't follow your "rules" relax it's a game bizatch. See me? With my tiny violin? Ode to you. Since when did it start being cool to be a bitch or an asshole? What's so bad about your RL that you have to be such a jerk off in SL? Boo fucking hoo. And if that's the case, then maybe you shouldn't be in SL for society's sake. Since when did it start being cool to be rude and nasty to others, strangers or not? And how come I never heard about this trend?

3. I KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF YOU NARCISSISTIC ENABLER BUT DON'T BE SO CONCEITED. Why do you like to write in your profile and in chat about how cool you think you are, how hot you look and that you're totally taken. So sorry to burst your bubble, but YOU'RE NOT. You're not better than anyone else and most people will agree with me. Unless you've saved a life, or went through some crazy traumatic experience only to survive and learn from it, then you need to EARN some respect.
4. MAMA SAYS "IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL". DON'T talk to me about my AV, if I want your damn opinion then I'll ask for it kay? Unless we're close..I don't want to hear what you have to say..really. There might be something about you that makes me want to yack, my choice is to keep it to myself. SL is supposed to be fun, I assume that most people make their AVS a reflection of what they like and of their RL character/aspects. Ain't nothing wrong with that. That's some pretty personal stuff, so why diss them or me because you don't agree? Do you work for Chanel, is your name Karl Lagerfeld? No? Oh excuse my ignorance, let me offer you a nice hot cup of STFU. There there all better now? And if we ARE close...I don't mind the odd joke, or your negative feedback put in an endearing way, I'm not that uptight. Just do it tactfully, like I would for you, if I said anything at all.
That's about it for now. I'd like to think of myself as a pretty easy going person so my list is not very long...but damn there are a lot of idiots out there, I can only handle so many. There's a silver lining to this cloud and that's the wonderful people that I've come across that don't even come close to those that are in this list. Thank you to them for being who you make this dismal RL and SL a better place.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Carnival of Doom Sadly I Bid You Adieu

I was so sad to learn that most of the rezzable sims are clsoing and will be gone from SL for good. Especially the Carnival of Doom. I loved that place. Despite the array of "odd" characters that I came across there, I was so in love with it's dark beauty. I have a fetish for dark carnival/scary So Carnival of Doom was like a second home to me. There really is no other sim like it and don't think there ever will be. I managed to snap a few pics of the side show and hope to get some more before it's gone.