Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 Eva Gutta Random Hunt Gift

4 Eva Gutta, don't be fooled by the name, this store is fantabulous! I found it a while back and kinda forgot about it. Then lo and behold I discovered that the owner had gotten a subscribo-matic! I was there to hit that baby, faster than flies to fresh poop.

Soon after that I was quite thrilled to get a notice that she had put up a midnight mania offering and adorable shirt! You can bet your cute pixel buns that I was there calling it out in the Lucky Chair Stalker IM to get that thing locked down!

Naturally, with the prize being as sweet as it was, it was blogged by all the hawtest freebie blogs. Not sure if that motivated her, BUUUUUTTTT this lead to her providing us lucky girls a kick ass gift for the latest grid wide hunt!

It's this loverly silver tube mini with a belt! ZOMG. It honestly was the first one I was chomping at the bit to open when I finished the hunt. Sorry I'm not doing a better job of showing the actual dress, I'm just farting around with graphics and SL photography.