Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank You!

I'd like to thank everyone that came out to support the opening of my lil shop TazzMania! I want to thank everyone who blogged and everyone who came by to check it out! Making stuff is a new, fun, and exciting hobby and learning curve for me. I don't expect to become some crazy designer or anything, I don't have the skill, or time for that. But, like I said it's fun and I'm learning new things all the time. I'm moving the store to a new location cuz I was running low on prim space, I can't wait to set up and get things going again. I look forward to getting better and offering lot's of free/low priced items for us po folk out there xD.

P.S. To the haters.....
I'm not trying to be "original" or special in any way, shape or form. I'm just less, no more. You don't like my stuff? Good for you, I'll ban you from my plot, so you don't have to endure the torture that are my creations. Why don't you use your stolen photoshop and make something better? Or, read a book perhaps? Kthxbai. <3